Category Archives: dogs

What I’m Reading: Current Affairs


There’s a lot going on these days, am I right? This month, in addition to regular dispatches on Rain in the Forecast (which involves taking Rain to agility class and practicing our homework),  I’m learning to knit by a class I’m taking at local knit shop Starlight Knitting Society, I’ve returned to a regular yoga class after an unexpected two-month absence, and I’m cooking up fundraisers (see above and below). But I’m still reading.

A friend says this journal article came out of her lab. One can read the full piece if you have library access to a service like JSTOR:

Association of Facebook Use with Compromised Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study (American Journal of Epidemiology via PubMed)

There’s a new occupant in the Oval Office this year, and if you’re having as hard a time adjusting to that as I am, perhaps this piece will be of interest to you. It’s long-form, but largely worth it.

A Short History of the Trump Family (London Review of Books)

After you’re done with that, you might need a dose of comedy to cleanse the palate…

This is Why We Have Photoshop (Cake Wrecks)

Inspired by the amazing things happening these days in US government, I’m selling some pencils. Proceeds will go to the Center for Investigative Reporting in Emeryville, CA.

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Bookish is Back!

Hello, world…I’m back!

It was not my intention to go silent for a year. Things happened, I got busy. (I “only” read 17 books in 2015…can you believe?) Truth be told, I’m still busy—but things have been calming down for the year so here we are.

What could possibly have taken my attention away from Bookish?

Rain in the Forecast
Shortly after Atticus died last year I gained a new charge—at least part time. Rain was (and is) a bit of a wild child, but I started writing about our work together last summer on Rain in the Forecast. It has been about a year since we first started working on her social graces, but she has come a long way since last fall.

CSA Season
When you have a bundle of vegetables to use or lose each week for 23 weeks, making meals becomes an important part of your week. This is the third year I’ve split a CSA share with Steven. Each week we get our veggies from Zenger Farm  and split them up. We both eat very well, but it means that cooking takes a high prominence in our daily lives.

In order to maximize value from the CSA, I’m currently reading Eat It Up: 150 Recipes to Use Every Bit and Enjoy Every Bite of the Food You Eat. In the past I’ve written about great food reads, so I may write about this one later.

Oregon Standoff/Bundy Trial
Over the last several weeks I’ve been following the Oregon standoff trial really closely. A few weeks ago I even took a day off of work to go watch the trial in person! I could probably write a lengthy blog post about the trial alone. (And another blog post about the verdict…)

One amusing element that arose out of this whole wacky trial was Bundy Court Sketches. Scott Klatt even self-published a book called The Migration: Snack or Die compiled of his sketches about the refuge takeover and trial.

I’ve been going to yoga class from one to three times a week for the last few years. Over the last year it has become more of a challenge because my time has been more stretched overall and because I’ve had more flare-ups of an old injury this year. Turns out that yoga may have been causing that! So I’ve been adjusting as needed.

In February I took two workshops with Dana Falsetti and Jessamyn Stanley, who have become renowned for their radical idea that one needn’t be wafer thin to be a badass yogi. Jessamyn will be releasing her first book, Yoga for Every Body, next spring!

Friday Reads
It’s a simple concept: take a photo of the book you’re reading on Friday and post it on social media. Inspired by Missoulian Chris LaTray, and my own desire to read more books this year than last, I’ve been posting Friday Reads photos on Instagram for a couple of months. I’ve already read one more book this year than last, and we still have a couple months left!

That’s more or less what has been taking up my time! Now that it’s winter I’m hoping to produce more work for Bookish. There might even be a new project or two in the works—more to come as time allows.

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RIP Atticus Finch Andrews (October 21, 2001-May 29, 2015)

He was seven days away from completing a glorious victory lap around the sun, but sadly Atticus Finch Andrews died Friday, May 29, 2015. You may remember him from Doggy Cancer, Bad Juju, and Constructive Wallowing.

Atticus was never much of a reader, but books were important in his life. Besides giving him a name, books were ultimately responsible for his living in Canada and many of his outdoors adventures.

Atticus had the kind of life that left no room for regrets at the end. He was a great dog, and he will be missed for years to come!


Filed under books, dogs

Doggy Cancer, Bad Juju, and Constructive Wallowing

About a month ago, my dog Atticus was diagnosed with cancer.

Tom, one of the vet clinic staff who adores Atticus, asked me about our visit when we left the examination room. I told him the bad news. Tom expressed his sorrow and asked, “are you totally about to burst into tears?”

Of course not, I said. I talked about how we all have to die sometime, about how great of a life Atticus has had, about how my anxiety about his health would have to be right at some point.

In other words I was completely denying any feelings I had in the moment. (In hindsight, I think I was just still in serious shock about the news.)

Over the next two days I was more or less a non-functioning mess.

What if I had continued the same nonchalant approach after leaving the vet’s office? Perhaps I might have said some of the following:
He’s just a dog, not my child.
We’ve all gotta die sometime.
No big deal.
When in fact this is a huge deal. Atticus has lived with me in two countries, two states, and accompanied me on countless adventures. Friends who know me, know my dog. I have essentially structured my life around him for the last 12 1/2 years—health issues and personality quirks and all. Raising my first dog was no small feat.

A month before Atticus’ diagnosis was confirmed, Tina Gilbertson released her first book, called Constructive Wallowing: How to Beat Bad Feelings By Letting Yourself Have Them.

In the book, Tina talks about the detrimental effects of emotional constipation—not allowing yourself to have feelings. Tina’s discoveries began when she was an aspiring actor in Los Angeles:

I was thinking about a young woman in my [acting] class who was not only a talented actress, but also smart, funny, utterly charming, and easily twice as pretty as me. She was seriously cramping my style; I wanted to be the best actress, the “phenom,” in that class…

As I drove home from class that day, I was aware of vaguely ‘icky’ emotions trying to rise up inside me. I didn’t exactly know what I was feeling, I just knew it was bad. I didn’t want to feel bothered by the situation in acting class. But I was bothered…

Spontaneously, I decided to speak my feelings aloud.

Tina then discovered that the act of speaking and acknowledging her feelings helped her feel better. When she wasn’t struggling against the feelings, they didn’t have a secret control over her. She eventually detoured from her Hollywood aspirations and ended up becoming a counselor.

Tina’s book walks readers through various obstacles that might keep them from the process of acknowledging their feelings. Perhaps you’re your own worst critic, telling yourself that other people have it way worse (#firstworldproblems!) or that whatever you might be feeling is stupid or selfish. Using insightful analogies, she walks the reader through each obstacle with kindness, and even some wit thrown in.

And anyone who may be thinking that acknowledging your own feelings will turn you into a scenery-chewing Hamlet, it turns out that acknowledging your feelings is not the same thing as choosing your behavior. If your boss has taken credit for your work, it is enough that you understand how you feel about that—this book is not advocating that you tell your boss or coworkers how you feel, or retaliate by putting rat poison in his coffee.


Having feelings is quite natural, she says, and the message is even drawn out in the book design. Natural colors are used in the cover design that incorporates a rainy theme, with a raindrop-on-water motif sprinkled throughout the inside pages. Normally I’m less apt to notice book design, but the design choices in this book seemed to be supporting the overall theme.

As you can imagine, Atticus’ cancer diagnosis certainly gave me an opportunity to review and practice the book’s contents pretty quickly after I was finished reading! In the past I’ve certainly been guilty of holding things to the detriment of my own mental health, but this was one instance when it was almost a non-issue. The feelings just happened. Like Tina, I’ve found that for the most part, knowing how you feel is crucial to resolution.

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I Need a Copyedit, Charlie Brown!

Yes, this is real. Normally I wouldn’t bother posting something like this, but it’s sad to see everyone’s favorite beagle can write a la Edward Bulwer-Lytton but struggles with the greengrocers’ apostrophe. It happens to the best of us, little guy!

As of press time, no statement on the issue had been released from Snoopy’s spokesbird.

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Hiking by the Book: 100 Hikes in Northwest Oregon

It seemed like a good idea at the time. I needed a new goal to tackle, ideally some sort of physical activity I could do with Atticus. It seemed pretty natural to buy a copy of William Sullivan’s classic 100 Hikes in Northwest Oregon and make a goal of checking off every hike in the book. William Sullivan has a booth at Wordstock each year, so I bought my copy from the hiking guru himself a few weekends ago, which he signed for me.

Not long before our first planned hike, I did the (very easy) math. Even if we tackled one hike per week it would take nearly two years to work our way through this book. That’s quite a commitment for a “fun” goal!

Not to mention that this book includes such “hikes” as climbing Mount St. Helens. Doing that requires obtaining a permit, as only a certain number of people are admitted up per day. Mount St. Helens is only considered a difficult hike because climbers don’t usually need mountaineering equipment, but it does count as climbing a glaciated peak which will earn you entrance into Mazamas.

Another daunting hike in the book: Nesmith Point. I’ve dreamt about someday hiking to Nesmith Point, but imagining myself doing so as “just another hike” seems unrealistic. This is a route that is used by mountaineers in the off-season for training. It’s some pretty serious climbing: 3706′ in about 5 miles. YIKES.

So far I’ve done two hikes, both with Atticus. Not all of the hike locations allow dogs. Since I’m now needing to leave him alone five days a week I’ve been choosing hikes on which he can accompany me.

We went to Memaloose Lake and South Fork Mountain on Atticus’ birthday a couple of weekends ago. Hiking to the scenic lake was fairly uneventful, but the additional mile from the lake (where the snowline was) to the summit was a bit trickier. Not only was the trail unmaintained, but the snow occasionally left me puzzling where the trail went. Eventually we did make it to the top. We even managed to find the four foundation pieces for the old fire lookout despite the snow!

The following weekend we took a hike in the Columbia River Gorge that we’ve done at least a few times before: the Horsetail Falls/Oneonta Gorge loop. In the past we’ve hiked it when there was snow and ice on the ground, so this was pretty uneventful except for seeing all the gorgeous fall foliage in the gorge.

One trail I’d like to do, which parallels the Clackamas River for over seven miles, requires a buddy with a second car (or over 14 miles of hiking) which is kind of difficult for me to secure. And some of the in-town hikes, like Oaks Bottom, are positively blasé—Atticus and I could save those for the worst of Portland’s winter weather and do perfectly okay. Now and again I wonder if maybe I shouldn’t have bought Sullivan’s Hiking Oregon’s History instead.

Am I going to continue working on these hikes? I’m largely undecided. So far they’ve been a good way to get out of town and have a nice outing with Atticus once a week. Adventure, new ideas, and exercise have been the best benefits so far, and until the trail conditions outweigh those, I imagine we’ll keep up with it as much as we can.

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Jag: Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer’s Secret Weapon

Oregon’s governor John Kitzhaber is a great guy. He unites an Oregon traditionally divided between metro (liberal) and rural (conservative) areas. He has been a cowboy-hat wearing rural doctor, yet he’s a Birkenstock-wearing liberal who has created initiatives for forest health.

While visiting Helena this weekend though, my desire to be a Montana resident skyrocketed due to Montana governor Brian Schweitzer.

What’s Schweitzer’s secret weapon that threatens to steal me away from Oregon, you ask? A spunky little border collie named Jag.

On press releases Jag is described as the Governor’s “constant companion and special assistant.” I asked Schweitzer’s office if that means he’s an assistance dog—I was told no. According to the Helena residents I met, Jag goes with Governor Schweitzer almost everywhere. He helps the governor sign bills. Jag has an email address (, which means he must also have some administrative assistance translating and typing responses (no thumbs!).

Jag is even the subject of a children’s book: First Dog: Unleashed in the Montana Capitol. In the great tradition of dog biographies such as Millie’s Book, Seaman’s Journal, and even Virginia Woolf’s Flush: A Biography (about Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s dog), the book is great fun and features strikingly real art, down to Jag’s two-colored eyes!

Over at the Montana Historical Society, just a few blocks from the Governor’s mansion, word is that Jag can sometimes be a little protective of the governor—true to his border collie nature. When the Governor came to an event at MHS, Jag couldn’t go into the exhibit area and was not terribly happy about it.

Schweitzer’s office has a postcard sporting a photo of him with Jag, for mega-fans like me. Call during normal business hours—they’ll send you one! They even rubber-stamped Jag’s pawprint on the back of mine. If I had time to return to Helena in the next few weeks before returning home to Portland, I think my goal would be to meet Jag.

Border collies aren’t my favorite breed, but they’re a short step away from my beloved Australian shepherds. The two breeds share many physical and behavioral characteristics, from sporting two-color eyes and a huge smile to the “velcro dog” phenomenon. (That’s what Aussie owners call it when our dog won’t leave our side.) Jag seems like he is a great little dog.

Kitz, unless you’re planning to get an Australian shepherd, Schweitzer wins this round—paws down.


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Best of 2010: Rain the Pain

This past year (2010) was terrific, horrific, and just plain heart-wrenching. While I’d like to be able to encapsulate all the complication in one brief-yet-pithy blog post, the fact is that this is a blog about life as it relates to books, not all the crap that happened while I wasn’t reading much this year.

Instead, I’ll split the difference and talk about one of the best things to come out of 2010: Rain!

Rain is a seven-month-old Australian shepherd puppy. The photo at left was taken when she was eight weeks old, while the one on the right, taken a few weeks ago, is about the best I’ll be able to capture with a camera for some time.

Rain is bursting with wiggly puppy energy, easily leaping straight up from the ground to lick my nose and land squarely again before I know what hit me. She is a bit of a thief, stealing whatever is in reach on the kitchen counter and will fit in her mouth. She sounds a lot like her mom Skye, but also makes noises that are uniquely her own. Her face has funny freckles like her dad, and as she doesn’t yet have full muscle control over her big ears, she often looks goofy when at full attention.

Of course I’m a sucker for puppies, but I’ve really been enjoying getting to know Rain while I’ve been home from school over break. She has calmed considerably having extra attention and playmates the past few weeks, and my mom has had her hands a lot more free from the puppy tornado now that both my dad and I have come home from several months spent far away.

One of my favorite things about Rain: I delivered her! After staying up all night with Skye in labor, we had to go to the emergency vet. They gave her a shot of oxytocin to stimulate her uterine contractions, as they worked to remove an enormous stuck puppy. (Unfortunately, he had died from being in transit too long.) After that the puppies shot out in quick succession, and we were soon on our way home. As Skye seemed to be having milk problems, my mother left me with the litter to go get some bottles and formula at PetSmart. About three minutes after she left, Rain was born: a complete surprise!

A good go-to book about Australian shepherds is All About Aussies (here’s the blog). It was written by Jeanne Hartnagle-Taylor, whose family has been instrumental in development and history of the breed. All About Aussies is the book my family references for information about breed history (hint: Australian shepherds are not from Australia!), famous Aussies and their handlers, proper gait, breed-specific grooming standards, and more.

At school when I was presenting my redesign of Aussie Times, the official “magazine” of the Australian Shepherd Club of America, a classmate asked why Aussies have docked tails, and I was able to answer based on having read much of this important Aussie reference.

If you’re at all Aussie-inclined, never you mind any book selections you find in a pet store. (That holds true for pretty much any breed or animal: the most authoritative books aren’t going to be the ones that are most readily available.) Pick this book up and your Aussie will soon be Best in Show!

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